Practical Politicals

Monday, April 09, 2007

The Separation of Church, State and Corporations

Our country is built on freedom of choice - freedom of speech, freedom of worship and freedom of economy – the American dream.

To guarantee these freedoms the trinity of state, church and media must be kept separate and independent. This is a primary goal of our constitution. Increasingly, a fourth underlying presence has become more powerful than our forefathers could have imagined; it is Corporate America. And it is this power that is tying state, media and, to a lesser extent, the church together in a way that threatens the freedom of individual citizens.

We must insist on the separation of state, church, media AND business.

Since the late 1940s the CIA has worked to place agents in journalist roles to enable the publishing of credible disinformation in our media in order to deceive the Soviets. This corruption of truth in our media has opened the door to wider abuse. While the original intent was not to manipulate the American public, we are now subject to manipulation in the press orchestrated by powerful PR and advertising firms funded by government and corporate interests.

Compounding the problems in the media is the increasing and pervasive influence of corporate ownership of the media from one side and corporate sponsorship of politicians on the other. This leads to a media that, through the hands of fewer and fewer owner-editors, becomes a trumpet for corporate interests, who are the main purchasers of advertising, and their political pansies.

No media reform will be effective without reform of
(a) the manner in which political funding is conducted
(b) ownership and content laws in order to limit concentrations of ownership and their influence on media content and to provide protections for journalistic editors that document truth.
(c) reform and introduction of advertising law so that we legally differentiate advertising from propaganda and require each to be clearly identifiable as such and that we require final beneficiaries and all sources of funding be disclosed for any propaganda.


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