Practical Politicals

Friday, April 13, 2007

Do you want $3 to go to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund?

Wondering what to do about that "Do you want $3 to go to the Presidential Election Campaign Fund?" question on your income tax form?

You should check it. It will not affect your taxes and if everyone checked it, we'd all be better off.

Think about it. Those $3 will be spent here in the U.S.A! On ads, food, hotels and other good American businesses.

If you don't check it those dollars may very well end up in Afghanistan, Iraq, or as aid to some other corrupt 3rd world nation which our oil barons are busy exploiting.

By checking it, you will also help propel campaign finance reform onto the national agenda. If this fund were sufficient, we could argue that it is the only financing allowed for Presidential campaigns.

Now wouldn't that be nice.


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